"King of the booty breaks"
Deekline, D**Kline, Defkline, Dee Kline, DJ Deekline, Dee-Cake, Deklien. Variatiuni pe aceeasi tema.
Toate acestea duc catre un singur om - Nick Annand, cel cunoscut ca Deekline.
De numele sau se leaga label'uri ca Rat Records, Cut & Run, Hot Cakes, Booty Breaks, Sludge sau Hardcore Beats.
Unul din pionierii sound-ului 'booty breaks', Deekline a spart gheata acum mai bine de 10 ani, cand binecunoscutul hit "Don't Smoke (Da Reefer)" a fost lansat pe piata:
"A bass-heavy, two-stepping beat monster with the catchiest vocal line ever...One of the biggest underground tunes of the decade!!"
De atunci, Deekline s'a regasit de cele mai multe ori in tandemul 'Deekline & Wizard' (Booty Bouncers) sau 'Deekline & Ed Solo', avand la activ nenumarate remixuri, din care ar fi de ajuns sa amintim doar remixul la Prodigy - Outta Space, celebrul anthem Armand van Helden - My My My sau clasicul Stanton Warriors - Dip & Get Low (Deekline & Wizard Remix).
In 2004 a iesit primul album Deekline & Wizard, "Breaks, Beats and Blondes", reflectand intocmai directia abordata de cei doi: vocal infused breakbeat. Albumul a fost un real succes, ajungang in topuri de breaks, garage sau 2-step.
Primul album al celor doi a fost urmat indeaproape si de prima compilatie "Deekline & Wizard Live: From Brixton To Brisbane".
Stilul lor este foarte complex, fiind caracterizat ca "Urban Dance music which pools influences from Miami Bass, Hip Hop, UK Garage, UK Grime & Bass, 80's B-Boy Electro and, of course, Breakbeat", insa toate acestea au o trasatura comuna: 'booty breaks'.
Seria compilatiilor 'Booty Breaks' a ajuns la numarul 3, gasindu-si imediat cei mai infocati sustinatori - DJ Icey, the mighty Stanton Warriors si Krafty Kuts, care i-a acontat imediat pentru cel de al doilea album, la label-ul sau 'Against The Grain': "We're incredibly pleased to have the guys on board. In my mind they are undoubtedly the numero uno breaks duo on the planet and this stunning new album deserves to launch Deekline & Wizard up their with Basement Jaxx and the Chemical Brothers".
Bounce! UK's No. 1 booty bouncing event... Music to shake yo ass to !!
In tot acest timp, alaturi de Simon Fullerton, Deekline a reusit sa creeze cel mai cunoscut eveniment de gen din Insula: Bounce! @ Bar Rumba.
Vineri, 6 martie, in Club Suburbia, are loc premiera Bounce! in Romania, cu nimeni altul decat DJ DEEKLINE.
Alaturi de acesta vor mai canta:
Intrare: 20 RON pana in ora 00:00, 30 RON dupa.
Accesul persoanelor sub 18 ani interzis!
Un eveniment recomandat de Breakbeat.Ro.
Global View Events 2009
Keep bouncing !!!
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